Hyundai Motor Group (HMG) is looking to venture into the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) segment in Indonesia and has set up a PoC for land-air transport at Samarinda’s Aji Pangeran Tumenggung Pranoto Airport in East Kalimantan. This undertaking is part of a broader effort to transform the urban transport system especially for the new Rise of Nusantara in East Kalimantan.
Accordingly, Hyundai’s PoC is to prove that AAM is possible and could become a future means of transportation. This initiative demonstrates how aviation and other means of transportation are coordinated to create an efficient transportation system. It is also in line with Hyundai’s mission of diversifying transportation by integrating AAM with existing transport systems.
Cheolung Kim, the AAM Business Development Officer of HMG’s AAM Division stated that AAM is not just a technological advancement of aircraft but also a comprehensive cooperation system in the aviation industry. For the future AAM ecosystem, Hyundai will continue to build partnerships with the Indonesian government and institutions.
An important aspect of this PoC is, therefore, the development of an end-to-end MaaS solution designed for the Indonesian market. This platform combines the ordering and payment systems for the ground-air mobility services providing customers and operational benefits. In this integrated mobility solution, the Shuckle mobility service platform, which has responsive demand features, is significant.
In a remarkable success, HMG flew its first experimental overseas flight using the OPPAV- AAM technology demonstrator built in conjunction with the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. This underlines Hyundai’s efforts to apply its electrification capabilities acquired in the automotive industry to design an electric powertrain for AAM.
The company is also applying Distributed Electric Propulsion technology, which can ensure safety because of the independent drive of several motors and batteries. This technology underlines Hyundai’s commitment to safety and its will for innovation in AAM ventures.
With over 18,000 islands in this archipelago and as the largest aviation market in Southeast Asia, Indonesia presents a unique opportunity for AAM. With its young and fast-growing population and dynamic economy, it is very suitable to adapt to advanced air mobility. Hyundai’s initiative falls in line with Indonesia’s vision of leadership in innovative and sustainable transportation.